Distribution of ABO and Rh(D) blood groups among the people of Mao Naga tribe of Mao, Senapati district of Manipur, north east India
International Journal of Development Research
Distribution of ABO and Rh(D) blood groups among the people of Mao Naga tribe of Mao, Senapati district of Manipur, north east India
The Genetic studies relating to blood group on populations in north-east India particularly in Manipur have been performed less frequently than in the other parts of India, though there are diverse communities residing the region. The people of Mao Naga tribe of Mao think themselves to have been migrated from China and first settled in Makhel of Mao (latitude 23.830 N to 25.680N and longitude 93.030E and 94.780E) and many of the Naga tribes trace their place of origin from there. In the present study, an attempt was made to study the distribution of ABO and Rh (D) blood groups among Mao Naga tribe of Mao, Manipur, India. This is a preliminary study in which the blood groupings were done after collection from 775 individuals (359 males and 431 females). 354 individuals (46.2%) were found to possess blood group O and shows the highest allele frequency of 0.60 followed by followed by 185 individuals possessing blood group ‘A’ (23.9%) with a corresponding allele frequency value of 0.22 and 139 individuals with blood group ‘B’ (17.9%) with a corresponding value of 0.18 while the remaining 93 individuals were found to be possessing blood group ‘AB’ (12%) and was the least preponderant. In case of alleles Rh(D) and Rh(d), the frequency of allele ‘D’ was far higher than that of allele ‘d’ with the recoded values of 0.93 and 0.07 respectively. The result also showed a total of 771 individuals (99.5%) of the studied population to be Rh+ (positive) while the rest four (0.5%) individuals were Rh- (negative).