Study on the kineticsand pyrolytic characteristics ofnavel orangeresidue by thermogravimetric analyzer
International Journal of Development Research
Study on the kineticsand pyrolytic characteristics ofnavel orangeresidue by thermogravimetric analyzer
Pyrolyticbehaviors of biomass (navel orange residue, NOR) and kinetic parameters were investigated bya thermogravimetric (TG) analyzer in N2 atmosphere. The results showed that the thermal degradation temperaturerange of NOR varied with heatingrates; the slower heatingrate, then arrower temperature range. The results indicated that total mass loss had to do with heating rate. Based on the DTG data with different heating rates, activation energy was calculated by three methods. The activation energy was from 104.75to 178.85kJ•mol-1; the order of reaction was 1.19.
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