Evaluation of association between peyronie disease and the presence of risk factors for atherosclerosis

International Journal of Development Research

Evaluation of association between peyronie disease and the presence of risk factors for atherosclerosis


Introduction: Peyronie's disease (PD) is a tissue disorder acquired in the tunica albuginea (TA) of the penis and its pathophysiology is not completely understood. The disease is characterized by the development of a fibrous plaque which affects the inner layer of the corpus cavernosumTA. The estimated prevalence of PD is 3 to 9% and its incidence has increased in the last years. Objective: To determine if atherosclerosis is associated with PD.
Methods: Case-control study. The sample consisted of a total of 56 patients who were treated at the Andrology Clinic of ISCMPA. The variables studied were collected from a questionnaire structured for this study. Laboratory tests and an ultrasound of the carotid were performed in the subjects.
Results: There were no significant associations of life habits with the disease. Very similar glycemic patterns, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risk were found among cases and controls, with no evidence of a significant association.
Conclusion: The etiology of the disease remains unknown. Our study demonstrated that patients with PD do not have a higher risk of atherosclerosis and its associated risk factors. Future studies should be conducted in order to understand the disease and find ways of prevention and management.


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