Co-relation of pulmonary function test and chest x- rays in biomass fuel user in rural area of south India
International Journal of Development Research
Co-relation of pulmonary function test and chest x- rays in biomass fuel user in rural area of south India
Indoor air pollution from burning of traditional biomass fuel such as wood, dung, and agricultural wastes for daily household cooking is a major problem in rural India. Although it is known that biomass smoke contains a wide spectrum of potentially toxic compounds, its effect on public health is relatively unexplored. In view of this, the health impact of biomass fuel use in rural India has been evaluated in this study. To investigate Co-relation of Pulmonary Function Test and Chest x- rays in women who cook regularly with biomass fuels and compared with group of control women who cook relatively liquefied petroleum gas (LPG). Respiratory health was evaluated from Questionnaire survey, Clinical examination, Spirometry and chest x-rays are investigated in biomass and control users. A total of 150 women were approached, of which only 70 non-smoking women without any history of any major chronic illness in the past were selected for this study. Pulmonary function is one of the indicators of obstructive lung disease hereby indicates high risk of developing obstructive disease in biomass users as compared to LPG users. From our study it is clear that with increasing duration of exposure to biomass fuel combustion, the pulmonary functions reduced significantly in biomass users compared to LPG users.