Managing talent becomes one’s exclusive responsibility: the challenges of international human resource management (ihrm) in multinational company (mnc). a conceptual study

International Journal of Development Research

Managing talent becomes one’s exclusive responsibility: the challenges of international human resource management (ihrm) in multinational company (mnc). a conceptual study


The In recent years, the challenges of international human resource management (IHRM) are being increased and give major impacts on the performance of multinational company (MNC). It is because the effectiveness of multinational company depends on the ability of the company itself to compete in international or global arena in cross-border recruitment by understanding the right approach and awareness besides familiarize with country-specific legal requirements and traditions in order to be success in selection process on global basis. MNC companies must be able to cope with the IHRM challenges facing by them. This paper brings out three challenges facing by most of the multinational companies globally. Firstly, this paper discusses the challenges of identifying talent on global basis. Besides, this paper also clarifies the challenges of developing talent on global basis and lastly discussing about the challenges of managing teams on global basis.

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