The importance of investigating adolescents' health-related behaviours: an opportunity for improving public health

International Journal of Development Research

The importance of investigating adolescents' health-related behaviours: an opportunity for improving public health


The concept of health behaviours and risk behaviours has emerged as a major issue in the population health, health promotion and epidemiology literature. Generally, ‘health behaviour’ and ‘health risk behaviour’ are terms that are often used interchangeably. It is well recognized that people’s health status and their behaviours are linked inextricably. The concept of health risk behaviour has been used to describe behaviours with potentially has negative effects on health which contribute to the leading causes of morbidity and mortality. Since, chronic diseases are the major causes of morbidity and mortality across the globe, it is crucial to consider their huge burden and consequence costs economically, socially beside their expensive medical services and its related cost. Unfortunately, people from all age groups, especially adolescents adopt and practise some risk behaviours, even if they know they are unhealthy or harmful. Thus, the prevention of risk behaviours among children and adolescents is a high priority in public health. It is important to find early indications of health-risk behaviours, as established risky behaviour in young ages can be difficult to change later in life and absolute harmfulness of their quality life in future. Therefore, childhood and adolescence might be the ideal time to motivate and promote healthy behaviours and healthy choices. Consequently, emphasis should be given to tackling such dangerous behaviours that threaten health through well designed multi-level approach interventions.

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