Diversification of growth opportunities in ‘Seven Sister States’

International Journal of Development Research

Diversification of growth opportunities in ‘Seven Sister States’


The seven sister states are the contiguous states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura in North Eastern India. The sobriquet, land of seven sister (The seven sister states) coined by Jyoti Prasad Saikia, a journalist in Tripura in the course of a radio talk show at the time of inauguration of new states in January, 1972.India’s north east region, the seven sister states is endowed with huge untapped natural resources. In spite of being endowed with vast natural resources in terms of forests, biological diversity, hydro-electricity, the region has remained largely underdeveloped. Proper utilisation and management of resources along with enhancement of human resources can help in the growth and development of these states. To see proper utilisation of human resources, population composition of an area should be followed. Hence this paper concentrates on the socio-economic indicators like the literacy rate, sex ratio, population density, health condition, and involvement of workers in different sectors, GDP of these states and its comparison with India. Side by side effort has been made to find out the constraints for the low level of development in these states.

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