Conceptual study of Pandu Roga with special reference to Anaemia

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Conceptual study of Pandu Roga with special reference to Anaemia

Dr. Gyaneshwar Bhai Patel, Dr. Manohar Ram, Dr. Ramnihor Tapsi Jaiswal and Dr. Sanjay Prakash


As the name indicates Pandu means “Pandustu pitbhagardhah ketaki dhulisannibah’’ That means paleness is compared to pollen grains of Ketaki flower. Pallor is the paleness of skin and mucous membranes either as a result of diminished circulatory red blood cells or diminished blood supply. The word Pandu signifies all those diseases in which body colour becomes pale. In Pandu Roga deficiency of blood is the main symptom. Nowadays anaemia can be correlated with Pandu Roga. WHO estimates that 40 % of children 6-59 months of age,37 % of pregnant women and 30% of women 15-49 years of age worldwide are anaemic [1]. In Ayurvedic Samhitas, many types of Pandu Roga have been given, and their treatment principle has been described by various Acharyas. Acharya Charka has described 5 types of Pandu Roga viz. Vataja Pandu Roga, Pittaj Pandu Roga, Kaphaj pandu roga, Sannipataja Pandu roga, Mrittikabhakshanjanya Pandu Roga or Krimikoshthaj pandu Roga. Acharya Sushrut described 4 types of Pandu Roga viz. Vataja Pandu Roga, Pittaj Pandu Roga, Kaphaj pandu roga and Sannipataja Pandu roga. Acharya Vagbhatta has given the same description of Pandu Roga as Acharya Charaka. Acharya Harit described 3 extra types of Pandu Roga i.e. Kamla, Kumbhkamla and Halimaka while Acharya Sushrut considered these synonyms of Pandu Roga According to Acharyas Pitta Pradhan Tridosha is the main causative factors.

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