Cirurgias odontológicas em pacientes usuários de anticoagulantes/ antiagregantes plaquetários orais: uma revisão de literatura

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
19 pages
Research Article

Cirurgias odontológicas em pacientes usuários de anticoagulantes/ antiagregantes plaquetários orais: uma revisão de literatura

Breno Soares Carmello, Daniel de Carvalho Pereira, Gabriel da Cruz Lopes, Gabriela Silva Santiago and Gérsika Bitencourt S. Barros


It is increasingly common to perform surgical procedures in dentistry offices. Furthermore, the number of patients who need to undergo these procedures and use oral anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents has also been increasing. Oral anticoagulants are drugs whose main function is to increase blood clotting time, and have been widely prescribed as prophylaxis to avoid thromboembolic phenomena. It is essential that the professional dentist should be duly qualified to know which protocols should be followed when performing operative techniques in these patients. Thus, the main objective of this work was to describe the main care that must be taken in the execution of these techniques by the dental surgeon inside the office in order to guarantee the safety of the patient. A bibliographical review of articles and academic works already existing in full was used as a research method, journals were searched in the databases of Google academic, SciELO and CAPES Journal Portal from the descriptors "dental surgery", "anticoagulant", “antiplatelet agent” and “hemostasis”. A total of around 987 articles and academic papers were found, and after screening the final sample consisted of 29 journals. The care protocols for these patients must be strictly followed by the dentist.

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