A comparative study on how to create an operating system from scratch and a linux kernel

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

A comparative study on how to create an operating system from scratch and a linux kernel

C G Accamma, Baisakhi Debnath, Palak Agarwal, Om Jaiswal, Nishant Kumar, Nischal Dhoka and Parag Joshi


There are numerous operating systems available today, each designed to function optimally on various devices and with their own resource utilization and algorithms. Creating an operating system from scratch would require extensive expertise in the field, as it serves as the interface to manage multiple user requests, API calls, and channels. Nevertheless, it would be impractical to develop a new operating system today, given the abundance of existing options that are both secure and efficient. However, we can choose from various Linux distributions tailored to our specific needs, such as Kali Linux or Parrot OS for ethical hacking, Red Hat for server-related tasks, or Cloudera for big data analysis. There is a significant area where a unique operating system is necessary, and that is for supercomputers. These computers operate differently than standard systems, and thus require a custom operating system to optimize their performance.

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