A study to assess the knowledge and factors associated with the utilization of antenatal care services among the ANC mothers in selected rural areas of sangli distri
International Journal of Development Research
A study to assess the knowledge and factors associated with the utilization of antenatal care services among the ANC mothers in selected rural areas of sangli distri
Background: India has the dubious distinction of having the highest estimated number of maternal deaths in any country. In addition to the number of death each year. Over 50 million women suffer from maternal morbidity due to acute complications from pregnancy. For effective implementation of the programme understanding of the factors affecting the utilization of maternity care during pregnancy is required. Some antenatal care services provided by government of India through primary health center that includes antenatal assessment, provision for abdominal palpation, weight measurement, T.T vaccination, iron and folic acid supplement , treatment in prevention of anemia, management and referral of high risk pregnancies. The objective of the studies
1) To assess the knowledge and utilization of antenatal care services.
2) To assess the factors associated with utilization of antenatal care services.
3) To find out the association between knowledge score of ANC mothers with selected variables.