Clinical and epidemiological profile of tuberculosis in aracati city, ceara in 2017 and 2018

International Journal of Development Research

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5 pages
Research Article

Clinical and epidemiological profile of tuberculosis in aracati city, ceara in 2017 and 2018

Eriza de Oliveira Parente, Jeffeson Hildo Medeiros de Queiroz, Benicio Alves Lima Júnior, Denilson de Queiroz Cerdeira, Rose LídiceHolanda, Danielle Neiva Santos de Aquino Araújo, Herismércia Helena Fidelis Uchoa, Fernanda Costa de Mesquita Souza, Eveline


Introduction: Tuberculosis is an infectious disease originated by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which attacks the lungs and can cause death. Objective: To delineate an epidemiological profile among the age group of patients diagnosed with tuberculosis, investigate, and identify the magnitude of cases of the disease and its consequences in the municipality of Aracati-CE. Methodology: Ecological, descriptive, and quantitative research that sought to understand factors associated with high reported tuberculosis rates. Data collection was performed using data from DATASUS / SINAN, period of the second semester of 2019. Results: Regarding the Residence Zone which had the highest index in 2017 and 2018 was Urban Zone 66.67% and 69.24. respectively. About Age Group was 47, 63% for individuals between 10-39 years (2017) and at 64.10% for same age group (2018). In 2017 the brown race reached 76.20% and in 2018 reached 79, 49%. Both in 2017 and 2018 men were the most committed by tuberculosis: 76.20% and 74.35%, respectively. The most verified form of entry was 85.72% of new cases (2017) and new cases were 79.48% (2018). The most recurrent form of the disease was Pulmonary with 71.42% (2017) and the following year this rate reached 92.30%. In 2017 52.39% were cases with laboratory confirmation and in 2018 this rate reached 66.66%. In 2017 85.72% of patients achieved cure while in 2018 30.76% of patients achieved cure. Conclusion: This study showed and contributed to the knowledge about tuberculosis cases in the city of Aracati, Ceará, showing with scientific basis the most recent evidence on the subject.

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