Health care network for the transsexual population
International Journal of Development Research
Health care network for the transsexual population
Received 06th August, 2022; Received in revised form 17th August, 2022; Accepted 03rd September, 2022; Published online 30th September, 2022
Copyright © 2022, Liniker Scolfild Rodrigues da Silva et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This study aims to verify through the scientific literature how the health care network for the transsexual population is available. This is a descriptive, bibliographical, integrative review. The articles were searched; with timeless delimitation; in Portuguese, English and Spanish; available in full. In the following data platforms: Collects SUS, LILACS, MEDLINE/ BVS, SciELO, PMC, MEDLINE/ PubMed, Web of Science and SCOPUS. Data were organized and presented in figures and tables. Of the 1152 studies found, 1 was available in Coleciona SUS, 5 in LILACS, 25 in MEDLINE/BVS, 2 in SciELO, 248 in PMC, 606 in MEDLINE/PubMed, 14 in Web of Science and 251 in SCOPUS; however, after reading remained only those that met the inclusion and exclusion criteria described in the methodology, totaling 28 studies. After reading the selected studies, the articles were categorized into thematic clippings, classifying the knowledge produced about the theme. Therefore, it was also possible to notice that, although timid, the number of studies concerned with the health of the LGBT population in an integral way has increased, beyond the issues of mental health, requiring an improvement among health services, the need for investment in the professional-patient relationship.