A importância da humanização no atendimento dos profissionais de enfermagem aos seus pacientes

International Journal of Development Research

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3 pages
Research Article

A importância da humanização no atendimento dos profissionais de enfermagem aos seus pacientes

Misilene Santos Salar Silva; Gizelma dos Santos Sousa; Jéssica Lorrany Menezes dos Reis; Pamella Braga dos Reis Amaral; Vanuza Pereira da Silva Brito; Luanna Almeida Neves de Souza; Fernanda Rafhaella Rodrigues de Faria; Wenderson Alves de Sousa; Lusiane dos Santos Alves; Wilela Bezerra Nascimento Fagundes; Janaina Souza Bekimam and Sara Rodrigues Araujo


Introduction: For the success of an individual's recovery, the humanization of the health system is synonymous with changes in the quality of patient care by the professionals of the institution along with the personnel management model. Objective: To describe the importance of humanization in the care of nursing professionals. Methodology: This is a literature review and the materials to be used in the research will be chosen based on articles available in the databases Virtual Health Library, Scientific Electronic Library Online (Scielo) and Google Scholar. Results and Discussion: The main point of humanization is to articulate the technical-scientific care with the subjective care, which welcomes the different subjects and seeks to promote actions that welcome and respect the other with his/her autonomy and dignity and, values the relationships. Conclusion: The incorporation of the NHP is necessary to change healthcare environments through a humanistic culture, being a path to transform theory into practice.

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