Construçãode formulário para solicitar atenção domiciliar a pacientes em desospitalização

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
5 pages
Review Article

Construçãode formulário para solicitar atenção domiciliar a pacientes em desospitalização

Sirlaine de Pinho, Cristiane Vieira da Silva, Lucinéia de Pinho, Luciana Colares Maia and Simone de Melo Costa


This paper describes the construction of a form to request home care for patients in the process of dehospitalization. The instrument was built based on the lack of a standard tool for referring hospitalized patients with the potential to receive home care, within the scope of the Melhorem Casa Program, in the care network of the Unified Health System (SUS). The Dehospitalization Assessment Request Form (FAD) includes the patient's identification data, their health condition and equipment needs for continuity of care at home. The FAD was built in an electronic version and was first implemented in a large hospital. Then, it was shared with health professionals from the city's hospital network, through training workshops. Its purpose is to provide greater resolution in the process of referring patients between the different levels of the SUS network, especially in the flow from hospital to home care. The instrument proved to be easy to apply, and as it was based on Brazilian ministerial regulations, it has the potential to be adhered to in other Brazilian hospitals.

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