Field visit to lamtang national park of Nepal
International Journal of Development Research
Field visit to lamtang national park of Nepal
Visiting the protected areas like National Parks, Wildlife Reserves, Conservation areas, Buffer zones is a part of scientific education. It is the practical method of learning i.e. learning by direct observation. Protected areas are the resourceful places where from the people of different field gain the knowledge from the different point of view. It helps to create awareness to the large mass of people towards the vulnerability of a wide variety of flora, fauna, geography, climate, socio-economy, tourism etc. It also creates the opportunity for development of tourism in the environmental friendly methods i.e. ecotourism and thus increasing the national economy. It is very essential to broaden the knowledge of conservation education on which the existence and survival of whole the living organisms including human beings depends. Visiting the protected areas also offers the opportunity to expose something new and learn lots of things which is not possible merely by the study of books. Theoretical knowledge gained by book is not enough until it is practically implemented. The present study of Lamtang National Park is genuinely based on field visit and direct observation. Visiting the National Park of mountain area, interacting with the people, collecting data, trekking new places is really adventurous and exciting. It is a new method of learning which may inspire the people to study the protected areas of remote mountain by enthusiastic field visit and use the knowledge in performing scientific research.