Quantitative analysis regarding deforestation in the municipality of placas, pará, Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
10 pages
Research Article

Quantitative analysis regarding deforestation in the municipality of placas, pará, Brazil

Antonio Pereira Junior, Norma Ely Santos Beltrão and Gundisalvo Piratoba Morales


In the Amazon region, especially in the western part of the state of Para, in the municipality of Placas, deforestation intensified after the “integrate but not deliver” program. The objective of this research was to verify anthropic actions such as the opening of roads, extraction of wood, population growth, and the local economy, such as the increase in cattle and soybean farming. The method used was deductive, with a quantitative scope. The obtention of data in free-access electronic databases such as the CAPES Periodical Portal. The analysis of these data indicated that both cattle-raising (R2 = 63%) and agriculture (R2 = 19%) contributed to deforestation in this municipality, besides the construction of two highways: BR 163 and BR 230. Local population growth was not as effective in this action. Currently, the implementation of conservation units, settlement and sustainable development projects has contributed to a decrease in the deforestation rate but has not slowed down this action in that municipality.

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