Nature-based solutions applied in urban planning in jardins Mangueiral, Brasília-df

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Nature-based solutions applied in urban planning in jardins Mangueiral, Brasília-df

Ana Cláudia Bazzo Sá, José Marcelo Martins Medeiros, Lenildo Santos da Silva, Fabiola Caroline Furtado Barros Carneiro and Marta Adriana Bustos Romero


This article proposes Nature-based Solutions guidelines to the Jardins Mangueiral Housing Sector, in Brasília, Federal District, Brazil. The methodology consisted of reviewing literature on Nature-based Solutions andgreen infrastructure. The next step was the systematization and categorization of Nature-based Solutions, highlighting the benefits and possibilities of integrating mobility, and sanitation. Then, we conclude that the application of Nature-based Solutions in the area of study contributes to an integrated urban planning, from the adaptation´s context to the challenges faced in Brazilian cities. Such implementation would improve the population's quality of life, offer attractive and functional spaces, encourage active mobility, improve urban drainage, increase environmental comfort, ecosystem recovery, and climate change alleviation.

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