Musical education today: (re) affirmation of creative practices in music teaching

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Musical education today: (re) affirmation of creative practices in music teaching

Ibbertson Nobre Tavares, Maria Anita Vieira Lustosa Kaczan, Marcelo Kaczan Marques, Luiz Botelho Albuquerque, Pedro Rogério, Wanderley de Freitas dos Santos, João Luís Soares Studart Guimarães and Rubens Tadeu Passos Carneiro


In this article, we discuss the importance of reaffirming music teaching in educational spaces, ensuring its permanence within the scope of regular school. Thus, our primary objective here is to present the relevance that Murray Schafer, Marisa Fonterrada and Alicia Peñalba teach about the use of “creative” educational-musical practices for the teaching of music as an element that enhances human, cognitive, critical, emotional, political development and social. This way of teaching music, supported by “creative” practices in classrooms, brings possibilities to innovate music teaching and, thus, break and / or overcome the traditionalism that has always prevailed in this field. The central engine of our discussions is the need to reinvent music teaching in the face of the hegemony of the cultural industry, proposing diversified practices that encourage creation and enjoyment, which can break with traditional music teaching and the practice of market consumption that the commercial repertoire forms in the listeners. It is necessary to encourage the creation of diverse experiences considered unique in the face of the massive process that only reproduces ready and socially legitimized models. Thus, it is urgent to invest in creative practices different from the current ways of teaching music at school.

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