Monitoring of marine turtles’ populations in ilha grandebay, rj (2018-2022), As an indicator of environmental resilience

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Monitoring of marine turtles’ populations in ilha grandebay, rj (2018-2022), As an indicator of environmental resilience

Mônica Dias C. da Silva, Marcos B. Pereira, Ana Carolina Lustosa G. de Campos, Natalia Tae Murahara, Naiara Tessaro, Felipe Ferreira Miguel and Ubirajara Mattos de Oliveira


The coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro is considered of extreme importance for the conservation of sea turtles, all classified as threatened or critically endangered. Electronuclear Tartaruga Viva program, carried out by the Faculty of Oceanography of the State University of Rio de Janeiro, monitors marine turtles in the area of influence of the Almirante Álvaro Alberto Nuclear Power Plant - CNAAA and seeks to elucidate any behavioral changes or distribution of populations in the area of influence. One of the monitoring approaches is population sampling through animal capture and recapture, with the use of ringing for recording and monitoring. In the period from September2018 to august2022, 99 turtles were sampled and 34 in recapture, the majority (>50%) with great body "score". All recaptured animals were in the same areas where they were first sampled, eating or resting less than 50 m from the point of the first capture, indicating their tendency to remain in areas favorable to food and rest.

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