Molecular diagnostic value of pneumococcal pneumonia among Egyptian children

International Journal of Development Research

Molecular diagnostic value of pneumococcal pneumonia among Egyptian children


Pneumonia is the most common invasive pneumococcal disease; however, only a small portion of cases can be confirmed by conventional techniques. The present study aimed at comparing the molecular detection of Streptococcal pneumoniae by the standard blood culture in community-acquired pneumonia among Egyptian children. Standard blood culture of Streptococcal pneumoniae and sequence-specific PCR amplification of autolysin gene were performed. There was a statistically significant increase in PCR diagnosed cases than that diagnosed by blood culture with higher PCR sensitivity. Also, there was a statistically significant decrease in culture diagnosed cases among those receiving empirical antibiotic treatment prior sampling. This study concluded that molecular detection of Streptococcal pneumoniae may be more accurate and rapid in diagnosis of pediatric community-acquired pneumonia below five years than the standard blood culture.

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