Micromorphological analysis of Origanum Vulgare L. leaves cultivated in two different location in albania

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Micromorphological analysis of Origanum Vulgare L. leaves cultivated in two different location in albania

Jonida Balla


The article provides data on the micromorphological evaluation of sp. O.vulgare L. subsp hirtum, known as White Oregano cultivated in Durrës and Konispol, Albania. The study of the micromorphological parameters of the leaves of O. vulgare L. subsp hirtum includes the characterization of epidermis (stomata and trichomes). The study of epidermal structures was performed with the techniques of stereomicroscopy and optical microscopy. The material in the study was prepared by the following main methods: a) fresh leaves for stereomicroscope observation, b) nail polish method and c) epidermal excision techniques. During the preliminary study of the epidermal structures it was found, the presence of stomata on both leaf surfaces which classifies the leaves of O. vulgare subsp hirtum as amphistomatic. It is observed an unequal distribution of stomata. The data obtained classify the stomata as diacytic. Trichomes were classified as non-glandular and glandular of two types, capitate and peltate.

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