Microbiota characterization and aflatoxin m1 detection in newborns food supplements for use in neonatal unit
International Journal of Development Research
Microbiota characterization and aflatoxin m1 detection in newborns food supplements for use in neonatal unit
Received 20th June, 2021; Received in revised form 29th July, 2021; Accepted 03rd August, 2021; Published online 27th September, 2021
Copyright © 2021, Victor M. Farias et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Nowadays the use of dietary supplements was increasing due to changes in consumption habits. Modern society has been inducing a decrease in breastfeeding habits. These dietary changes that included supplements for newborns and infants were a demand to sustain the nutritional necessities of breastfeeding. Thus, it has become increasingly necessary to include dietary supplements in the diet of children, especially newborns. Considering the fragility of the target population, it is important to conduct studies to monitor the possible microbiological and toxicological hazards to which consumers are exposed, especially newborns in intensive care units. Microbiological analyzes were performed as described in the APHA manual and mycotoxin concentrations were detected by fluorimetry associated with immunoenzymatic methods. Analyzes revealed average values of (CFU g-1): 3.54 x 10³ for aerobic mesophiles; 3.89 x 10¹ for Staphylococcus positive coagulase; 8.14 x 10² and 2.34 x 10³ for filamentous and xerophilic fungi, respectively. However, the analyzed samples presented counting values and mycotoxins levels within the recommended by the legislation, thus conforming and safe for consumption. The count values obtained in this study are a reflection of failures during product processing, choice of raw material, and handling during its reconstitution.