Microbiological quality of tiúba honey (melipona fasciculata smith) produced in a minerator

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Microbiological quality of tiúba honey (melipona fasciculata smith) produced in a minerator

Claudio A. de J. Nascimento, Jonas A. Mesquita, Bruna F. S. de Sousa, Gabriel G. Santos, Thailson de J. S. Silva, André de S. Rodrigues, Edyane M. dos Santos, Camila M. Silva, José de R. S. Barros


The objective of this work was to evaluate the microbiological quality of honey from Tíuba, Melipona fasciculata, produced in a mining company, where the air particulate index is high, in the city of São Luís, Maranhão. Seventy honey samples from 15 M. fasciculata bee hives from the mining company Meliponário were analyzed during the period from 2017 to 2018. Of the analyzed samples, 14% had contamination by Molds and Yeasts, while Aerophilic Mesophilic Bacteria were detected in 13% of the samples. All the honey samples analyzed did not present microbiological contaminants from the group of Coliforms and Salmonella sp. The moisture content was slightly higher (21.1%) than established by law, but within the expected for native bee honeys. The content of total soluble solids found was 79.36% and specific weight of 1.40 kg.L-1. The analyzes showed that before the relocation of the meliponary, the honeys presented microbiological contaminants such as molds and yeasts and aerobic mesophilic bacteria. Analyzes that study the physical-chemical profile and the presence of trace elements should be performed to attest the safety of the honey produced.

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