Microbial quality evaluation of milk products

International Journal of Development Research

Microbial quality evaluation of milk products


Milk products are considered as a complete diet and it is rich source for proteins, fat, sugar, minerals and vitamins which is required for the growth as well as for maintenance.  However, it has been observed that it also acts as excellent medium/carrier for the pathogenic/spoilage microorganism. These milk products may be contaminated intentionally/unintentionally at different level at the time of production, processing and marketing. Therefore, the present study was conducted with an objective to assess the quality of market milk products available in and around Ludhiana. Milk products sample were collected hygienically and subjected to microbiological analysis. Among all milk products sample Burfi showed the average viable count of 3.1 x 104cfu/mL/g, rasgulla 2.8 x 104cfu/mL/g, paneer 6.7 x 104cfu/mL/g and   ice-cream 8.3 x 104cfu/mL/g. Results for lactose fermenter and non-lactose fermenter bacteria showed that among the milk products, ice-cream has the highest average count (22600/mL/g), and lowest in burfi (10400 /mL/g). For the bacteriological quality milk products sample ice-cream had 12.5%, rasgulla and paneer had 14.3% Salmonella. In rasgulla Proteus was absent but was present in burfi and ice-cream (12.5%), paneer (14.2%). Klebsiella was isolated from burfi (25%), rasgulla (42.8%), paneer (14.3%) and ice-cream (37.5%).

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