Medicinal plants used in street markets in different regions of Brazil
International Journal of Development Research
Medicinal plants used in street markets in different regions of Brazil
Received 26th March, 2020; Received in revised form 04th April, 2020; Accepted 19th May, 2020; Published online 25th June, 2020
Copyright © 2020, Jaqueline Cibene Moreira Borges et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
In Brazil, markets and street markets emerged in 1841 as a solution for the regional supply of products. Street markets and municipal markets constitute a privileged space for traditional expressions and cultures about their ethnobotanical heritage since these places are centers of large numbers of information, underlying an environment of intense cultural exchanges. Bibliographic surveys were carried out on medicinal plants used in Street markets in different regions of Brazil. Where the objectives were to identify the families and species of medicinal plants used in different regions of Brazil, the common names and frequency of citations were identified regarding the mode of use of medicinal plants in the Street markets and it was verified which parts of the most cited plants in Street markets in different regions of Brazil were verified, the most cited therapeutic indications were verified. The most cited medicinal plants were “stonebreaker” plants Phyllanthus niruri, “elderberries” Sambucus nigra, “macela” Achyrocline satureioides and “espinheira santa” Maytenus ilicifolia. The modes of use of these plants were more cited as medicinal uses 71% and ritualistic baths 27%. The most used parts were leaves 60.1%, flower 13.5%, and bark 9.0%, the families that had a higher citation were Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, and Malvaceae. Regarding the therapeutic indications, stomach diseases, flu-like symptoms, skin problems, and healing, inflammation, and diuretics were more cited. It is concluded then that the use of medicinal plants is used for various therapeutic indications.