Measuring the health and population dimensions based on sustainability approach

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Measuring the health and population dimensions based on sustainability approach

André Cavalcante da Silva Batalhão, Denílson Teixeira, Emiliano Lôbo de Godoi and Glaucia Aparecida Prates


Indicators related to Health and Population represents the progress or regresses toward a goal, and they are considered as resource of perception, phenomenon and trend. Indicators can be used to guide public planning and management. The performance of indicators has an important role in determining the applicability and efficacy on municipality management, in public sphere. Indicators set contribute to the strategic monitoring and should be based on a accurate analysis and meaning at every stage of development indicators. However, the proper use of indicators in the Brazilian public management is still a methodological and political challenge with rather vague guidelines in many municipalities. Furthermore, the indicators are important assessment tools to identify social needs and contribute to public planning and management. The aim of this research was to evaluate the sustainability level of Health and Population dimensions in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil. The analysis was based on secondary data of specialized governmental agencies. The main results demonstrated good levels of sustainability for the analyzed indicators.

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