Main considerations about conscious sedation in dentistry: a brief review

International Journal of Development Research

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3 pages
Research Article

Main considerations about conscious sedation in dentistry: a brief review

Cibele Cristina Peixoto, Gabriele Juliano Silva, Wesley Fernandes Roque, TaylaneSoffenerBerlanga de Araújo, Idiberto José Zotarelli Filho and Leandro Moreira Tempest


Introduction: Many children still do not cooperate with care due to lack of psychological or emotional maturity and / or physical, mental or medical disorders. In view of this, it is often necessary to include advanced behavioral control techniques for conducting appropriate dental treatment, which include protective stabilization, sedation and general anesthesia. Objective: This study aimed to make a literature review about the main considerations regarding the use of sedatives in pediatric dentistry. Methods: The words were included "Conscious Sedation", "Sedation in Dentistry", "Pediatric Dentistry". A total of 45 articles were found involving conscious dental sedation. A total of 23 articles were evaluated in full, and 19 were included and discussed in this study. Conclusion: The association of oral sedatives midazolam and ketamine with sevoflurane gas increases the physiological stress of children undergoing dental treatment. However, infant behavior is more cooperative when these sedatives are associated compared to the use of oral midazolam alone.

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