Lessons from successful women entrepreneurs- A panacea for other women entrepreneurs in India
International Journal of Development Research
Lessons from successful women entrepreneurs- A panacea for other women entrepreneurs in India
Women’s Development is directly related with national development. Empowerment of women has emerged as an important issue in recent times. The economic empowerment of women is being regarded these days as a Sine-quo-non of progress for a country, hence the issue of economic development of women is of paramount important to political thinkers, social scientists and reformers. However, in the long run, it would be necessary to increase efficiency and expand productive capacity and thereby reduce cost to make their ultimate survival possible, other than these, women entrepreneurs so face the problems of labour, human resources, infrastructure, legal formalities, overload of work, lack of family support, mistrust etc Right efforts on from all areas are required in the development of women entrepreneurs and their greater participation in the entrepreneurial activities. Successful women entrepreneurs continuously face the problems in marketing their products. It is one of the core problems as this area is mainly dominated by males and even women with adequate experience fail to make a dent. Obtaining the support of bankers, managing the working capital, lack of credit resources are the problems which still remain in the males domain. Women also face the conflict of performing of home role as they are not available to spend enough time with their families.