Les Kystes du tractus thyreoglosse (ktt): prise en charge au service d’orl et de chirurgie cervico-faciale (ccf) de l’hopital national de niamey (Niger)

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Les Kystes du tractus thyreoglosse (ktt): prise en charge au service d’orl et de chirurgie cervico-faciale (ccf) de l’hopital national de niamey (Niger)

Illé S., Djafarou Abarchi B., Inoussa Daouda, B., Timi, N., Ganda Aissa, M. and Dan Sono, A.


Objective: 'To analyze the management of thyroglossal cysts in our department. Patient and Method: This was a retrospective study, based on patients' medical records from January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2018, and performed at the ENT and CCF departments of the Niamey National Hospital. All patients in whom the diagnosis of KTT was evoked and confirmed by cervical ultrasound were included in the study. The studied parameters are epidemiological, clinical, therapeutic and pathological. The Pearson Khi2 test was used for statistical analysis with p less than 0.05 considered significant. Results: In 6 years, we recorded 42 cysts of the thyroglossal tract. There were 32 children (76.2%) and 10 adults (23.8%). The average age was 11.39 years old. (Extremes 16 months and 50 years). The sex ratio was 1.32 (n = 24/18, p = 0.17). The cyst was suprahyoid in 59.52% (n = 25), hyoid in 35.71% (n = 15), and subhyoid in 4.77% (n = 2). Thyroglossal fistula existed in 8 cases. The surgical procedure by the Sistrunk technique was the only one practiced in our study .The operating suites were generally satisfactory, the operative mortality was zero. 1 case of recurrence of KTT after 1 year has been reported. No case of cyst malignancy on pathological examination. Conclusion: The thyroglossal tract cyst is a common pediatric ENT disorder in Niamey. The treatment is based on surgery according to the Sistrunk technique.

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