Leadership skills in msme sector: A sustainable growth (with special reference to C.G state)

International Journal of Development Research

Leadership skills in msme sector: A sustainable growth (with special reference to C.G state)


MSME sector is in tremendous growth in the state of Chhattisgarh, with the sustainable development and progressive policies of Government this sector is able to retain and handle their employees and workers satisfactorily.  The paper focuses on the “LEADERSHIP SKILLS” of the entrepreneurs. Four enterprises from the industrial area of the state are taken under study.  A brief history of these enterprises is the former part of the paper the later part constitutes of the data analysis and interpretation. The names of the enterprises are PANKAJ ISPAT Ltd., MONNET ISPAT, SARDA ENERGY AND MINERALS Ltd., JAISWAL NECO Ltd. The abbreviations CO.I, CO.II, CO.III, Co. IV.  is used in throughout the paper.

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