The law of access to information and its applicability in Brazilian municipalities

International Journal of Development Research

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6 pages
Research Article

The law of access to information and its applicability in Brazilian municipalities

Gabriella Carlos Oliveira, Carlos Alberto Dias,Andreia Teixeira Oliveira Santos and Ciro Meneses Santos


The Law on Access to Information - LAI no. 12.527 / 2011- aims to guarantee citizens access to information through transparency in public administration, considering that access to information is a fundamental right and represents an essential condition for democracy and the fight against corruption. This paper is a literature review that seeks to identify how LAI has been applied in Brazilian municipalities. The results showed that the analyzed municipalities have the Transparency Portal, however, the information provided is incomplete and does not meet the criteria of clarity, transparency, and timeliness. This article aimed to demonstrate that publicity and transparency of administrative acts can reduce and inhibit the practice of corruption through Social Control, considering that transparency in public management is essential for the participation of society.

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