Iran agricultural selected products' exports comparative Advantageindices

International Journal of Development Research

Iran agricultural selected products' exports comparative Advantageindices


The Climate variability and proper production potential in agricultural sector allow increasing export earnings by focusing on agricultural exports' development. Comparative advantage measurement is one of very useful criteria for optimized resources' allocation in countries with an open economy and an important role in international trade. Comparative advantage shows a country's ability in goods' production and exportation with lower cost compared to other competitors. In this study export comparative advantage of selected agricultural products of Iran, including date, grapes, kiwi, citrus, raisins and rice was studied during 1961- 2012. The results showed that raisinshas the most stable trend and rice has the most fluctuating trend of calculated RCA index. For RSCA index, kiwi has assigned the most fluctuating trend and rice has assigned the most stable trend. The value of   export comparative advantage index showed that Kiwi has the most fluctuating time trend and Grapes has the min fluctuating trend of this index.

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