Investigating effectiveness of in-service e-learning trainings of mehreghtesad bank on the basis of patrick model
International Journal of Development Research
Investigating effectiveness of in-service e-learning trainings of mehreghtesad bank on the basis of patrick model
Received 05th January, 2017; Received in revised form 19th February, 2017; Accepted 24th March, 2017; Published online 30th April, 2017
Copyright©2017, Zeinab Nouri. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Training and improving human resources are considered as types of beneficial investment and key factors in development when to be implemented properly they could have significant economic returns. On the other hand, development of information and communications technology (ICT) in organizations resulted in relying on efficient and proper use of new technologies, especially information and communication technology. This study presents investigating effectiveness of in-service e-learning trainings of Mehr Eghtesad Bank of Tehran according to Patrick model in 2016. The method applied in this study is a descriptive- survey research. To this end, 3 research questions were prepared. Simple random sampling was conducted to evaluate sample size. Total members of MehrEghtesad Bank in the east and west branches of Tehran were 630 individuals. According to Morgan table, 143 cases were selected as sample size of the study; from among this number 139 cases were male and 4 individuals female. Research-made questionnaire was applied for data collecting. To measure the validity, the questionnaire was read and commented by professors and experts and reliability was achieved by using Cronbach's alpha coefficient (803% -923%). To analyze data one-sample t-test is used. Results of analyses showed that from personnel's view, in-service e-learning trainings of MehrEghtesad Bank of Tehran were effective in improvement of professional performance with possibility of 95% more than average.