Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis associated with autoimmune hepatitis: case report

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Research Article

Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis associated with autoimmune hepatitis: case report

Juliana Brito, Alline Mota, Mayara Nascimento, Bruna Souza, Débora Nunes, Walter Loureiro, Leonidas Junior and Francisca Regina Carneiro


Background: Interstitial granulomatous dermatitis (DGI) is a skin inflammatory reaction described in association with autoimmune diseases. Clinical expression is variable, ranging from linear subcutaneous and hardened cords to symmetrical violet macules until erythematous plaques on the upper part of the trunk and proximal limbs. The definitive diagnosis is given by histopathological analyze. Main observations: We report a rare case of a 28 years old, female pregnant, with prior diagnosis of autoimmune hepatitis that sudden and progressive appearance of erythematous-violaceous plaques, located in sun-exposed body areas. After few exams the biopsy was definitive for the diagnosis of DGI. Conclusions: It may be suspected that DGI was triggered in our patient by medications use to control his primary desease. Our case suggests that DGI has to be considered as a differential diagnosis to dermatoses that are present simultaneously with autoimmune disease.

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