Interference of bonding agent on compound resins resistance to micro shearing

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Interference of bonding agent on compound resins resistance to micro shearing

Thiago Santos Dantas Araújo, Sthéfane Mendes Avelar, Letícia Sampaio Antunes Pieroni, Polyana Argolo Souza Amaral, Ian Matos Vieira and Saryta Argolo Souza Amaral


Objective: To assess bond strength of different conventional and universal adhesive systems to dentine substrate. Methods: 40 bovine teeth had their roots severed and vestibular surface planed until dentine exposure, and were randomly divided into five groups (n=16), according to the adhesive system used: Group SB2- Adper Single Bond 2; Group A- Ambar; Group APS- Ambar APS; Group SBU- Single Bond Universal; Group AU- Ambar Universal. Two transparent cylindrical matrices were fixated over the hybridized dentine and the compound resin Z250 XTwas applied. Results: Group SB2 (5.44 MPa) showed the lowest bond strength, followed by Group APS (6.74 MPa), which showed no significant difference from each other, but were significantly different from Groups A, SBU and AU (p<0.05). Group AU (9.38 MPa) showed the highest bond strength, followed by Group A (8.55 MPa) and Group SBU (8.09 MPa); these three groups were statistically similar. Conclusion: The fiveadhesive systems tested showed acceptable bond to dentine substrate, althoughGroups AU, A and SBU have shown the largest strength among them.

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