The innovation in the ceramic tile exporting industries in Santa Catarina, Brazil

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

The innovation in the ceramic tile exporting industries in Santa Catarina, Brazil

Júlio César Zilli and Patrícia de Sá Freire


Neurofibromatosis is an This article aims to identify the participation of the innovation in industries exporting ceramic tiles from the Southern area of Santa Catarina State in Brazil. The research was characterized as descriptive, as far as the ends, and, bibliographical and a multicase study, regarding the means of investigation, through a quantitative approach. The sample was attended by four industries that export ceramic tiles. The primary source data were collected through a questionnaire applied via e-mail to the Industrial Directors, PD & I Managers and Export Managers of the industries under study. South and North America are the major international markets with centralized outsourcing processes in Europe and Asia. The external market represents 15 to 30% of its overall production. The innovation occurs mainly in industrial products and processes directed to the company and to the market, with an incremental degree and of open and closed form. The stimuli are directed at the capture of ideas within the industries and financial support of FINEP. The percentage of revenue earmarked for innovation is still low (between 0.4% to 5%). In international insertion, innovation contributes to percentages ranging from 15 to 30%. Incremental innovations in products, design or packaging changes, sales methods, industrial processes, and differentiated services were developed in the last year.

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