Infrastructure facilities in Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya in Assam for drop out and never enrolled adolescent girls
International Journal of Development Research
Infrastructure facilities in Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya in Assam for drop out and never enrolled adolescent girls
To target pockets where girls’ education is lagging behind, the Government of India has launched Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya (KGBV). The objective of KGBV is to ensure access and provide quality education to girls from disadvantaged groups by setting up residential schools at upper primary level. The state of Assam in India was selected for the present study. Multi stage sampling design was adopted for the study. The sampling units at different stages were State, Districts and KGBVs. Primary data collection method was used in the study. It is seen that 44.44 per cent of the KGBVs were functioning in their own building and 55.55 per cent of the KGBVs were functioning in rented accommodation. Although they have the permission to have their own building but it was either under construction or the construction was yet to begin due to several administrative problems. Infrastructural facilities and KGBV buildings need reconsideration. More number of rooms is required for the girls and teachers for comfort stay in KGBV.