Influence of social and clinical factors on adherence to drug therapy in hypertensive individuals

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
6 pages
Research Article

Influence of social and clinical factors on adherence to drug therapy in hypertensive individuals

Taciana da Costa Farias Almeida, Mailson Marques de Sousa, Bruna Oliveira Gonzaga, Jamira Martins dos Santos, Marina Saraiva de Araújo Pessoa, José Rocha Gouveia Neto, Larissa dos Santos Sousa, Andreza Josiany Aires de Farias, Bernadete de Lourdes André Gouveia and Simone Helena dos Santos Oliveira


To evaluate the therapeutic adherence of hypertensive individuals in ambulatory follow-up and its relationship with social and clinical characteristics. Method: A descriptive, quantitative and transversal study, conducted with 162 people with hypertension, in a specialized outpatient follow-up. It was applied to Morisky Medication Adherence Scale (MMAS-8). In the analysis, descriptive and inferential statistics were used. Results: Similarities were found in the adherence score between the groups in relation to gender, age, schooling, skin color, family arrangement and work situation. There was no significant relationship between the social and clinical variables investigated. Prevalence was low (54.9%), with a mean score of 4.43. The factors that most interfered in adherence were: difficulty remembering to take the medications (61.7%); forget to drink (43.8%); and forget to take the medicines when leaving home (21%). Conclusion: There was a low adherence to drug treatment among participants, and the 'forgetting' variable was the main barrier to adherence to treatment. It is suggested interventions that aim to decrease forgetfulness for this population.

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