Influence of glomus species on enhancement of metabolites in in vitro regenerated Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal
International Journal of Development Research
Influence of glomus species on enhancement of metabolites in in vitro regenerated Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal
Withania somnifera (L.) commonly known as “Ashwagandha” is one of the promising herb with important multiple medicinal properties. The main active principle which is therapeutically known as Withanolides and steroidal lactones. The present study was aimed to investigate to effect of three arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi - Glomus mosseae, G. fasciculatum and G. macrocarpum to enhance the production of fresh and dry weight, primary and secondary metabolites as compared to uninoculted Withania somnifera. The micro propagated plants were derived from shoot tip explants cultured on MS medium supplemented with 2 mgl-1 of cytokinins and 0.5 mgl-1 of IBA were treated with three Glomus species to study the effects of AMF association on the production of metabolites. Quantitative analysis has revealed an increase in primary metabolites like proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids and secondary metabolite like Phenolics. The fresh and dry weight of leaves, stem and roots were significantly increased in AM treated plants compared to control plants, the highest in G. mosseae followed by G. fasciculatum and G. macrocarpum. While the contents of primary metabolites and Phenolics have concomitantly increased in micro propagated plants inoculated with G. fasciculatum followed by G. mosseae and G. macrocarpum. The present study AM fungi potentially represent an alternative way of promoting growth of this important medicinal plant and their chemical constituents.