Inadequacies of prenatal visits in sran-belakro, Cote D'ivoire: A community solution perspective

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
4 pages
Research Article

Inadequacies of prenatal visits in sran-belakro, Cote D'ivoire: A community solution perspective

ANOUA Adou Serge Judicaël, ABE N'Doumy Noël and EHOUNOUD Eby Émile


Introduction: Problems of irregular prenatal care are a concern in Côte d'Ivoire. The most common traditional approaches in the process, including information, community education and behaviour change communication, are far from efficient. What should be done about the severity of this issue today? To address it, I propose a new approach: a community health approach based on a participatory procedure. Methodology: This is a qualitative type of research. The Baoulé community of Sran-Bélakrowas the target group. The process consisted of three phases: social mobilization, community diagnosis and feedback workshop. This whole process aimed at raising awareness, identifying priority issues and solutions to irregular prenatal care and developing implementation action plan. Outcomes: Priority issues involved disaffection with modern prenatal care and lack of responsibility of husbands of pregnant women. In addition, priority solutions included community-based monitoring of pregnant women at home and communication for behaviour change in prenatal monitoring. As a result, an implementation action plan was developed taking into account the dynamics of community organization. Discussion: public-spirited engagement of all members of the Baoulé community of Sran-Bélakro is desirable during the implementation process of the action plan, with a view to ensuring the efficiency of the community health approach to quality prenatal care.

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