Implementation of hindu religious ethicsin health services in Bali
International Journal of Development Research
Implementation of hindu religious ethicsin health services in Bali
Received 17th October, 2022; Received in revised form 29th October, 2022; Accepted 11th November, 2022; Published online 30th December, 2022
Copyright©2022, Gusti Ayu Suryani. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The phenomena that often occur in health services in Bali in general can be seen in health clinics, health centers or hospitals and pharmacists are often unfriendly, impolite, lacking in discipline and not responsible for patients who come to these health institutions. This should not be allowed to go unpunished, it needs to be realized by various parties, especially those working in the health sector, that they must always be able to control themselves in the sense of being more patient, honest, disciplined, have compassion, and be tolerant. This is very much in accordance with the teachings of Hinduism which can be used as a reference in thinking, speaking and behaving towards patients and consumers who come to these places. The basic sources in Hindu teachings are guided by the Bhagawadgita book which teaches moral teachings or character education which always guides every health worker to always instill compassion, compassion and other traits to every patient who comes, so that patients really feel health according to their wishes wanted.