Impact of vaccination against covid-19 based on diagnostic tests in the elderly population through a network of laboratories in belém-pará

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Impact of vaccination against covid-19 based on diagnostic tests in the elderly population through a network of laboratories in belém-pará

Enzo Crispino Calheiros, Feliphe Palheta Barroso, Robinson Andrey dos Santos Bezerra, Carla Victória Barbosa Flexa, Rita de Cássia Silva de Oliveira and Patrícia Brazão Cohen


The pandemic context has brought countless uncertainties to health systems around the world. However, in the midst of so many doubts, hope emerges: vaccination. Conducting a broad vaccination program, prioritizing population groups at risk – such as the elderly, should be the main tool. However, despite the unquestionable relevance of vaccines against vaccine-preventable diseases, especially in the elderly population, many elderly people still do not adhere to this policy. Thus, it is essential to comparatively analyze the confirmed cases of SARS-CoV-2 in the elderly before and after the start of the vaccination process in one of the Brazilian states with a public health system that is most congested by COVID-19. Thus, this study aims to demonstrate the impact caused by vaccination on the standards of diagnostic tests, in the studied group, before and after vaccination in Belém-PA. This will be possible from the analysis of the results obtained by a laboratory, making it possible also observe characteristics of the patients submitted to the tests, such as age, gender, presence of symptoms during the test and associated conditions. Data will be analyzed and expressed through of graphs and tables, with the help of Microsoft Word 2016, Excel 2016 and Biostat 5.3 software.

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