The impact of management styles and the job satisfaction in the plantation sector in Sri Lanka
International Journal of Development Research
The impact of management styles and the job satisfaction in the plantation sector in Sri Lanka
Received 25th October, 2017; Received in revised form 23rd November, 2017; Accepted 09th December, 2017; Published online 31st January, 2018
Copyright © 2018, Kuranage Anton Rohan Christin Perera et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
The main purpose of this research paper is to examine the relationship between the impact of Management Styles and the Job Satisfaction in the Plantation Sector in Sri Lanka. There are 5 items of construct to measure management style (MS) and five sub constructs for each construct to study the MS. The five main constructs are namely participatory management style (PAMS), organic management style (ORMS), professional management style (PRMS), coaching management style (COMS) and Samsung management style(SSMS).MS will be one of the two main variables investigated in this study. The other main variable is to empirically evaluate is Job Satisfaction which has several sub domains such as the work itself (WI), pay (PA), supervision (SU) and working condition (WC). This study has selected 400employeesfrom tea estates belonged to the Government and the RPCs. (The findings of the MS were positively correlated to Job Satisfaction) and this research will enhance the present repository of knowledge. The Management of the organizations will be helped by the present knowledge to contribute and to make job satisfaction to achieve organizational goals and objectives.