Impact of behavioral training program on Business performance – to be measured Throughdr.Kirkpatrick model with special reference to the Organization - Automotive research association of India, Pune, (India)
International Journal of Development Research
Impact of behavioral training program on Business performance – to be measured Throughdr.Kirkpatrick model with special reference to the Organization - Automotive research association of India, Pune, (India)
Behavioral Training and Business Performance Relationship: The success of an organization is logically linked to the actions of its people in right direction at right degree. In today’s global competitive environment only performing yesterday’s action (s) has no assurance of success and its people need to constantly reinvent the wheel in order to stay ahead of its competition. In other words it is the learning organizations that can create and maintain the right culture of continuous learning for its people to strive best. Post globalization policy being adopted by Indian Govt., Human Resources and Training Department have been making investment in its people through various training and development initiatives with a hope that it will reap them multifold benefits in future. However, unless these initiatives are being properly tracked and measured it is difficult for top brace of the organization to ascertain the effectiveness of its training and development program. This research is intended to measure the impact of behavioral / soft skills training provided across the organization at different hierarchy on business performance.