Immunotherapy in the treatment of Laringeal recurrent respiratory Papillomatosis (clinical Study)

International Journal of Development Research

Immunotherapy in the treatment of Laringeal recurrent respiratory Papillomatosis (clinical Study)


Introduction: Recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) is a relatively rare disease. Although histologically RRP is a benign entity, it is a major clinical problem because of its location, often dramatic presentation due to significant airway obstruction, the ongoing resistance to therapies, frequent recurrences, spread to the lower respiratory tract and esophagus (aggressive forms) and the possibility of malignant transformation into squamous cell carcinoma.
Materials and Methods: We present our observations on 17RRP patients undergoing transoral carbon dioxide laser microsurgery with subsequent immunotherapy. Some patients have had more than one surgery. We track treatment options of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis that gives us this combined approach.
Results and Discussion: Laser excision has palliative effect, but through it we provide released airways and improve the quality of the voice. Starting of application of immunotherapy with Calgevax BCG in RRP we observe attenuation and discharge of relapses.
Conclusion: The laser surgery can’t achieve a cure and stop the spread of the lesions, but it is extremely important in restoring airway patency. By applying Calgevax BCG in laryngeal papillomatosis achieve, if not cure, then reduce the frequency of relapses and improve the quality of life of patients. Combining it with immunotherapy, we aim to maximize the therapeutic effect.


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