Histological studies on the combined effect of synthetic pyrethroid lambda cyhalothrin and organophosphate chlorpyrifos on reproductive tissues in freshwater cultivable fish Cl

International Journal of Development Research

Histological studies on the combined effect of synthetic pyrethroid lambda cyhalothrin and organophosphate chlorpyrifos on reproductive tissues in freshwater cultivable fish Cl


In the present study freshwater commercially cultivable catfish Clarias batrachus was used to evaluate the  combined  effect of  lambda cyhalothrin, a synthetic pyrethroid  and chlorpyrifos, an organophosphate insecticide widely used in agricultural fields. Clarias batrachus uses rice paddy slurries as its breeding and  nursery grounds, inhabit sediments as they are benthic  and are posed to greater threat from sediment associated toxic compounds such as pyrethroids and  organophosphates  mixtures which are  widely used in rice fields today to control rice pests. The LC 50 of the combined mixture was found to be 0.05 mg/L. The fishes were maintained at one-fifth sublethal concentration of 0.01mg/L for a period of 30 and 45 days. Histological examination was carried out in  testis and seminal vesicle  at the end of exposure period to study the extent of damage at safe concentration.

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