Hemodynamic instability in a hemophilic patient: clinical case report

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
3 pages
Case Report

Hemodynamic instability in a hemophilic patient: clinical case report

DE LIMA, Michelle Franco Macedo, VARANO, Nathália, DE ALMEIDA NETO, Omar Pereira, CARILLI, Cecília Soares Ferreira, SANTOS, Leonardo Daniel Reis, ARAUJO, Marlon Noronha, LIMA SANTOS, Lauro Ricardo and DA SILVA, Patrícia Costa dos Santos


Hemophiliac patients may present emergency situations related to large volume bleeding and secondary hemodynamic instability, such as hypovolemia.A 33-year-old female patient with a history of type 1 Diabetes Mellitus since childhood, myelodysplasia diagnosed 4 years ago with a history of monthly blood transfusions, was referred to the emergency room of a public hospital due to a persistent hemorrhage in right upper limb raffia. The patient was slightly overweight (BMI = 25.8kg / m2).Regarding the nursing process, after multiple semiological evaluations, the priority diagnosis for the patient was “Ineffective protection related to changes in coagulation, characterized by abnormal blood profile”.Prescriptions made by the nurse conducting of the case assisted the patient in resolving the above diagnosis. Nursing and physicianprocedures for hemorrhage control are essential, especially when some signs of hemodynamic instability are found in the semiological evaluation, as well as personal care in preventing future trauma becomes important.

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