Hegemonic structure of hyperreality and modern technology in william gibson’s novel neuromancer

International Journal of Development Research

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4 pages
Research Article

Hegemonic structure of hyperreality and modern technology in william gibson’s novel neuromancer

Mohd Abas Parrey


The objective of my study is to investigate the dominance of hyperreality and modern technology in William Gibson’s novel Neuromancer. Gibson’s earlier works explored the effects of technologies, cybernetics and computer networks on human beings and helped to create an iconography for information age before the ubiquity of internet in the 1990’s. Gibson coined the term “Cyberspace” in his short story Burning Chrome (1982) and later popularized the concept in Neuromancer in 1984. He with Bruce Co-wrote the alternate history novel, The Difference Engine (1990). Subsequent novels, such as Pattern Recognition (2003) and Spook Country (2007) have, without deserting subject matter of information, hunting among media-savvy sub-cultures. Obviously, almost in all novels Gibson deals with modern technology and its utility in society. In Neuromancer Gibson mixes reality with fantasy and produces new world where original and real structures are being replaced by new models of technology. This research paper examines the hyperreality and modern technology under three main thematic concerns of the novel Neuromancer. In the beginning, our endeavour is to study hyperreality and modern technology under the heading of Self-Extinction and Loss of Freedom. Next we analyze the World of Crime and Violence. Finally we will look into another aspect of the novel that is Love and Betrayal in Modern Society.

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