Hardware-Software co-design for fpga-based Flight Control Systems

International Journal of Development Research

Article ID: 
7 pages
Research Article

Hardware-Software co-design for fpga-based Flight Control Systems

Mandeep Kaur


This study presents a novel method for integrating Field-Programmable the gate Array (FPGA) and co-designing software and hardware components for optimum Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) systems for flight controls. The effects of stress on latency, responsiveness, along with adaptability are examined in this study using a deductive methodology and the interpretivism school of thought. Significant performance improvements are shown by validation against conventional techniques and operational simulated events. The critical analysis highlights the potential for transformation and points out obstacles to implementation. Testing for scalability, investigating neural networks for adaptive management, and resolving deployment roadblocks in the real world are among the future work suggestions for improvement.

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